The Board of Directors for the FBI Norfolk CAAA oversees and manages the affairs of the Association in accordance with the Chapters Bylaws. Directors are graduates of the FBI Citizens Academy Program and serve as chairs or co-chairs of governing and operational committees. The Board meets monthly to lead development and implementation of community education, outreach, and service projects, as well as membership programming and fundraising events.
The Board consists of the following officers:
Al Kaste Randy Plotkin Christine Christie President Vice President Secretary
Jake Darrell Terry Legg
Treasurer Director
Susan Rose Cynthia Bell
Membership Director Director
In the Fall of each year, the Board of Directors holds a strategic planning meeting to review the association’s mission, goals, and activities in the context of the FBI Norfolk Field Office’s outreach priorities, and develops a plan to guide community outreach and member programming for the coming year. The plan provides overall direction for development of educational initiatives such as our annual FBI Norfolk CAAA Law Enforcement Symposium, FBI Recruitment Seminars, Cyber Safety, FAIT, and any other programs that are considered notable and worthwhile to perform.